Based on sugar rush and tablet games MTV Millennial Awards was an audiovisual and reactive celebration of self expression, diversity, music and connection.

Main goal was not to made a traditional motion graphic pack, instead of that we developed a complete library of items to create unique scenes guided by the original audio.
Original audio and sound design was created using samples of young voices as our main resource. We work closely with our friends of Facil Music to develop what we called "magnetic voices idea".

Original Concept:
Camilo Barria, Esteban Bestia Cuenca
General Creative Direction: 
Camilo Barria
Associated Creative Director: 
Esteban Bestia Cuenca
Art Directors: 
Camilo Barria, Esteban Bestia Cuenca,
Luis Suarez
Animation Company: SMOG
SMOG Directors: Moises Arancibia, Luis Suarez
Lead Motion Director: Luis Suarez
Final Compositing, Color, Edit:
Barria, Cuenca
Band Visuals: 
SMOG, Luis Suarez, Esteban Bestia Cuenca
Show Visuals: 
Esteban Bestia Cuenca, Luis Suarez
Sound Design, Original Audio: 
Sebi Oliwa & Uli Viola at Facil Music, Buenos Aires.
Millennial Cat Trophy
Concept: Barria, Cuenca
3D Artist, Designer: Lautaro Papagno
© 2013 MTV Networks Latin America