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Shooting Tourists in Times Square

Shooting Tourists in Times Square
The way a New Yorker sees it
New York City is one of the five must see cities in North America and as a result it gets lots of traffic from tourists. Times Square is arguably one of the places that nearly every single one of those tourists must go see, and nearly every single one of them takes photographs in Times Square. It seems odd that present day experiences do not seem nearly as real unless they are photographed, tagged, tweeted and uploaded into Facebook and other social media sites. 

New Yorkers or anyone who has lived in New York city long enough to call themselves a New Yorker; which is an entirely different subject to be explored; have long been known to avoid Times Square. This is partially as the result of the crowds of slow moving tourists who are gawking at the sites, posing for photographs and generally clogging the sidewalks. In the past five years, New York City has expanded the pedestrian areas of Times Square such there there are places to sit, more area to walk, and much more area to take these ubiquitous photographs.

On a recent Tuesday night, I went to Times Square with a camera and an intention to capture the atmosphere. Shooting quickly, and moving through the crowd at my normal walking pace, which is standard busy New Yorker speed, the camera and I managed to capture a wide selection of the pageantry.

Thanks for seeing Times Square through my eyes, let me know what you think, what came up for you while viewing or anything that came to mind. 

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Shooting Tourists in Times Square

Shooting Tourists in Times Square

Photo essay of typical behavior in Times Square on a typical night.
