Errata Corrige
Editorial tool
The topic of my graduation thesis relates to packaging design, in particular to the accessibility, in terms of communication and information, of the opening instructions.

The first part of the work, was focused on studying and reviewing the existing literature on the theme, in order to find out what accessibility means and how it affects visual communication. I outlined several different criteria that allowed me to critically analyze the current state of the art of the mass market packages.
The analysis led me to highlight some of the critical aspects to be aware of when designing the packaging opening systems.

The next step was to realize an editorial tool (Errata corrige) intended for designers, reporting common examples of slightly accessible opening istructions and how communication choices ultimately affect users experience.
The goal of this tool is to show to designers their own mistakes, by explaining them why their work is wrong; in order to make them aware of how to design in a more accessible way.

Every mistakes is showed in a gradual way starting from a general overview of the packaging, proceeding with the details of the instructions and ending with the isolation of the mistake through a mask and its explanation. In some cases, simulations of instructions perceived by the user (as, for example, in dark condition), were adopted to support explanations.

Supervisor: Erik Ciravegna and Valeria Bucchetti


Packaging design: istruzioni per l'accesso. Un catalogo degli errori per una comunicazione consapevole
Errata corrige
Errata corrige

Errata corrige

Graduation thesis
