No matter how far you go
one day you might find that you’re back to the start
but as long as there’s still hope in your heart
there’d be courage to relive
A self-directed life is worth showing
Not every effort has a gain
But every gain must have an effort
Misses her/him
But missed her/him
Only few people can see themselves on the other side
There's nothing more beautiful than a smile that separates from tears
Sometimes, an appropriate change could locate our true value
Always leave a door open for ourselves
You are a part of puzzle of someone's life
but someone's life may not be complete without you
Everybody is born as original
But gradually become as a copy
Mr. Do

Mr. Do

Mr. Do was created when I was feeling depressed. He cheered me up with those positive philosophy as depicted in the pictures. His optimistic and Read More


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