Clare Blackstock 的个人资料

A fresh, bold, new look for Enspire Australia

A fresh, bold, new look for Enspire Australia
Enspire wanted a fresh, new look for their brand.  They're a young, fresh company leading the way in the Cloud Computing revolution.  They already had a stylish logo, but it didn't stand out from the crowd of other corporate and rather staid IT company logos.  

The brand and its identity needed to be developed.  To achieve this aim I took advantage of one of the logo's key elements - the Enspire 'e' - and created a new brand icon and style around it.

Enspire agreed that the having 'big e' as their icon would make their brand instantly identifiable - just like McDonalds and its 'golden arches' and Nike and its 'swoosh'.  Naturally they're not as well known as those household names (yet!) but the 'big e' represents their ambitions to have a big impact in their industry.   

New (stock) imagery was chosen to reflect youth, energy, freshness, flexibility and blue skies (and clouds, for cloud computing of course).

A fresh, bold, new look for Enspire Australia

A fresh, bold, new look for Enspire Australia

Refreshing and developing Enspire Australia's brand identity
