There are quite a lot subjects that don't inspire me to be creative, one of those is Call Centers. However I think is important to try to create that what you would like to see out there, instead of repeating what's already been made. 
So Call centers don't exactly distinguish themselves by having an outstanding image and graphic design, most of what you would normaly see is made up width stock images and clip art stuff. Now think about the companies behind the call center tools. To me is even more unnattractive.
For the first add the client wanted to explain the advantages of their product, while having a user friendly image, not so technical and more cheerful. 
Now the second add had to be more technicall and serious, while still having some of the user friendliness .
I don't know if I made it through successfully or not, but I enjoyed the challenge that comes with working on a subject you don't get inspired much by.
Here are the results.
The Telecom World

The Telecom World

Two adds for a telecom company.
