Model Making by Gravity architecture and design house
Architectural model making
Villa Shaileh_Lebanon
Villa Shaileh_Lebanon
Villa Shaileh_lebanon
Villa Shaileh_Lebanon
Bakich Winter Resort_Lebanon
Bakich Winter Resort_Lebanon
Imad Building_Lebanon
Imad Building_Lebanon
Imad Building_Lebanon
Manara-Ras Beirut_Lebanon
Chemaly Residence_Lebanon
Chemaly Residence_Lebanon
Alfa Medical Center
Alfa Medical Center
Erbil Bank_Iraq
Media Production House_Lebanon
Media Production House_Lebanon
Office Building_Erbil_Iraq
Office Building_Erbil_Iraq
There are several reasons why models should be part of every design process. Perhaps the most important one is the understanding to be gained by seeing form in physical space.
Model Making

Model Making

Recreating the finished project in miniature scale, physical models are mainly seen as representations for new building designs


Creative Fields