One of the greatest thing of working at a newspaper is that one have to handle all kinds of  subjetcs from breaking hard news to funny TV shows. Here´s some samples.
Depois da queda
After the fall
Five days after the worse brazilian aerial disaster all kinds of images had been used over and over. For this cover I decided to make a mosaic with fire fighting pictures to turn into an image the sad impact this event had on people  
Perigo: Coréia do norte em colapso
Danger: North Korea collapsing
Cover for the story on North Korea nuclear tests
O amor ainda pode render
Love still worth
spread for the Roberto Carlos´s 75th anniversary special section. He is a famous brazilian singer who started his carreer in the 60´s. On this page his best records are divided by decade on a visual timeline.
Art direction for Planeta´s cover on green internet story 
Internet verde
Green internet
spread for the cover story on the use of the internet to promote green attitudes and activism.
Invaders species
Espécies invasoras
Art direction for Planeta´s cover on the story of  the ecosystem unbalance caused by the invasion of foreigner animal species.
TV para todos
TV for all
Spread with the story on the popularization of cable TV on llower middle class market.
Sob pressão
Under pressure
Cover for the TV section on the story of problems comedians have for beeing unpolitically correct
Trilha sonora
Spread for the internation day of rock for the travel section with sugestions of places to go historically important to rock music 
MBA lá e cá
MBA here and there
Spread for story on educational institutes with international MBA programs.
O Y da questão
The Y question
Two spreads with the profile of the generation Y.
Made in partnership with Flavia Marinho
Various Showcase

Various Showcase

Some examples of covers and spreads done for various newspaper sections from hard news to TV.
