To create this, I first opened a new 2x2 document and turned on the rulers and grid. I created two circles in the upper left and lower right quadrants (snap to grid is turned on). From there I created a new layer and filled the two circles with black, added another layer, filled with 50% gray, and turned visibility off for other two layers so the circles are transparent. I then defined a pattern and named it "Perforated Pattern." After that, I created another new document that was 1800 x 1200 pixels, filled the background with black, created a new layer on top of that and filled it with 50% gray once again. I then added a style layer and clicked on pattern overlay to find the cirlces I had created previously. I tweeked the options a little bit here.Then, I went to blending options and changed the fill opacity to 0 so you could see all of the cirlces. From there, I converted the layer to a smart object so it could be edited further. Afterwards, in another document, I opened a picture of the scratched metal texture and defined a new pattern. I went back to my main document and while the smart object was still selected, I chose pattern overlay and changed the blend mode to overlay and bumped up the scale a bit. I also added a gradient overlay and changed the blend mode to multiply and chose radial from the style selection. Now, I clicked on bevel & emboss, changed some settings and clicked on texture. In texure, I found the metal texure from the previous document and changed the settings here again to my liking. Then I copied my first layer (not background) and went to pattern overlay and picked the woven pattern texure; this opens a new document again. Furthermore, I created a rounded rectangle in the middle of the document and copied the layer effects from the layer 1 copy. I then went to bevel & emboss once again, turned off texture, and changed the technique to chisel hard and changed the size. I then added a drop shadow and increased the size to make it look good. From there I typed out the word DESIGN and once again copied the layer effects form the rectangle layer. I turned off gradient overlay and added color overlay. I kept the blend more normal and changed the color to an orange color. Then I went back to bevel & emboss, changed the style to outer bevel, and changed the technique to smooth. In the same area, under the contour section, I chose Cove - Shallow and lowered the range to 50%. I then used a brush to create a light affect and got the bolts from a source. And that is all! The most challanging part was the word and making it look right and rectangle came out darker than I wanted it to.
Perforated Patterm
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Perforated Patterm

Creating a perforated pattern.

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