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The Happy Prince
by Oscar Wilde
H igh above the city, on a tall column,
stood the statue of the Happy Prince.
He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold,
for eyes he had two bright sapphires,
and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt.

"I am glad that you are going to Egypt at last, little Swallow,"
said the Prince, "you have stayed too long here;
but you must kiss me on the lips, for I love you."

"It is not to Egypt that I am going,"
said the Swallow.
"I am going to the House of Death.
Death is the brother of Sleep, is he not?"

And he kissed the Happy Prince on the lips
and fell down dead at his feet.

At that moment a curious crack sounded
inside the statue, as if something had broken.
The fact is that the leaden heart
had snapped right in two.

It certainly was a dreadfully hard frost.

The Happy Prince
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The Happy Prince

The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde. Print done in a combination of the dry point technique and etching, with the addition of golden watercolor. Si 詳細を表示

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