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Top 11 Austin Businesses to Follow on Instagram

Top 11 Austin Businesses to Follow on Instagram

These Instagram profiles were critiqued and rated based on criteria that include whether the Instagram account is: humorous, offers inspiration, informative, supports other local businesses, interacts with followers, follows back, offers discounts and deals, gives behind the scenes peeks, has concise branding, updates frequently, and has clean or clear photos.
If you love Austin and local businesses, you like the Hooked app Instagram feed. Hooked brings you everything from vintage photos of Austin and pictures the capitol building, to delicious shots of food and smoothies from local businesses. Hooked brings you the best of local love paired with real time food and drink discount notifications.  
KONG Screenprinting
Kong’s Instagram is a humble and humorous feed for graphic designers, stylists, pop culture enthusiasts, and local supporters. This screen printing company uploads everything from behind the scenes photos of their shop, to random funny photos, to cool new designs and projects they work on for local clients. Every now and then you’ll recognize one of their local clients like Favor app or Thirsty Goat. It’s great for gathering inspiration or just keeping up with general merchandise design.
Paleo Denim
The Paleo Denim feed is the perfect profile for any craftsmen or mechanics who like to get their hands dirty but can also appreciate a beautiful photo. The compilation of macro shots of single objects, sewing mechanisms, chains, dirty gloves, and rolling country sides paints the perfect picture of the beautiful simplicity of craftsmanship in the country.      
Homeaway mixes team photos and company updates with gorgeous pictures of real vacation destinations and rental homes in other countries. They do a good job of following back, and provide value for their followers with updates on available home rentals. Plus, who doesn’t love photos of dream destinations across the globe?
Atlas Wearables
This is a great Instagram for people who like to engage with the business they follow. Atlas proudly posts photos of their fans who wear Atlas gear to work out. They constantly keep their followers updated on office news (funny and relevant), and provide real time sneak peeks at new product developments. This is also the perfect photo stream for fitness junkies who need some extra inspiration to exercise.
Favor has enough team spirit to share with all of their followers. They love to promote their company and employees on Instagram. They share all the fun they’re having at the office to the point in which you may end up feeling less like a follower and more like their best friend. This is a light, funny, friendly feed for people who love Austin and feel that, despite the growing size of Austin, we’re all still neighbors and friends at heart.
Delysia Chocolate
Do you love chocolate? Enough said. Delysia posts only the most delectable and delicious photos of artisan chocolate. If you like style, class, craft, and chocolate this is the company for you!    
No. 4 St. James
No. 4 St. James takes you on a picturesque tour of the best and finest of Texas via beautiful professional photographs. They curate best Texas artisan crafts and consumer products, and share them with their followers alongside gorgeous landscape photos. If you love following photographers, if you love Texas, or if you love nature this it the profile for you!
Another delicious Instagram feed! NadaMoo combines updates on their business (like new flavors), with current local events in Texas (recently ACL and the Texas State Fair), with seasonal messages, and yummy photos of their ice cream. They frequently upload photos, support other local businesses, incorporate humor into their pictures, and deliver delicious and novel ideas for how to eat ice cream.  
If you want to support local transportation, you can stay updated on how to get around Austin in the cheapest, quickest, or most environmentally conscious way with this Instagram feed. Ridescout introduces you to public transportation options in Austin and DC via fun team photos and company updates. As a startup you also get access to photos of popular conferences and a behind-the-scenes look at startup growth from this successful startup team.
Quality Thrives
This new Instagram profile may not have a huge archive of photos just yet, but after traveling 8k miles to meet and share the stories of 250 entrepreneurs across the US you can imagine the inspiring photos and quotes to come! With behind the scenes looks at the filming of their documentary, if you’re a videographer, artist, or simply looking for inspiring entrepreneur stories, this is sure source of inspiration.
**Photos and links are included in this portfolio copy 
Top 11 Austin Businesses to Follow on Instagram

Top 11 Austin Businesses to Follow on Instagram

A short form list for easy share content.


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