The Girl in the Yellow Rain Coat
The story of this Little Girl is a travellers story. Her story is everyone's story and dream. The dream of having a travellers story.
The images below are the rough start of a potential series I am endeavoring. The Girl in the Yellow Rain Coat appeared in one of my sketches and from there splashed into most  projects. The images below are of different medium I was experiementing with. Right Now I am working on a little animation as well as a storybook featuring this little girl. 
The story of this Little Girl is a travellers story. Her story is everyone's story and dream. The dream of having a travellers story. Going around the world and meeting new people and going on grand adventures. I was going to give her a name, 'Zoe' was a potential, however I felt that she didn't need a name. Her name is a mouthful but it is her name. How else would she connect with everyone. Especially me. This girl was created from my own stories and dreams. 
Print.  - The Strange Foot prints
First appearance of the little girl
Print - Night Ride or Run Off
Print- 'Night ride' or 'Run off'
testing the blue ink
Print- Rainy Day Guardian
OIl lift out - 'Sunset'
First time putting color to her. I put here in red for this image so she would stand out against the sunset. Also discovered that red is not her color and the umbrella cannot be blue. 
Acryllic - 'Evening Stroll'
Watercolor - Red Umbrella
Watercolor - The Next Journey
watercolor- Serenity
Girl in the Yellow Rain Coat

Girl in the Yellow Rain Coat

A series I am starting to put together based on a little girl in a yellow rain coat.
