Echo Yang's profile

Autonomous Machines - design practice

所謂的衍生思考(Generative thinking)是現代資訊設計師創作時最常使用的手法之一,通常是透過一連串的算式來達到需要的結果。相對於傳統以作者論的為主而產生的單一結果設計,衍生設計(Generative design)能根據條件更靈活的得出多重設計。而這樣的思考方式目前大都存在在數位世界裡:設計師或資訊師用電腦寫出程式語言。那麼,如果將衍生性思考運用在類比世界裡,會是什麼樣的情況,會產出什麼樣的結果呢?

數位衍生設計裡最重要的「算式」由作者設定,而我認為類比衍生設計裡的「算式」應是已經存在在物件、事件裡內部的算式。因此我收集了已漸漸遭時代淘汰的機械性物件 - 發條玩具、隨身聽、吸塵器、發條鐘等等的機器,將畫筆簡單的附在機器上,讓他們自己在運作過程中畫出屬於自己個性的圖畫。

The current popularity of generative design processes in which designers use algorithms to create a variety of different outcomes, instead of focussing on one, definitive result is closely linked to the use of digital design tools. This development has changed our perception of design as the creation of the single author. What could happen when the approach fostered by digital generative designers would be applied to an analogue world? A world in which obsolete machines like hand-powered alarm clocks, walkman and mechanical toys take centre stage?
My experiments in this domain of obsolete machines reveal their internal algorithms. Instead of creating these algorithms, I simply adopt and then visualize them.
( English : Gert Staal )
For the thesis, click here
For more drawings, click here
drawn by Walkman
drawn by Wind Up Clock
drawn by Electric Shaver
drawn by Hand Mixer
drawn by Tin Toy (Chicken)
drawn by Vacuum Cleaner
2013 Dutch Design Week
Autonomous Machines - design practice

Autonomous Machines - design practice

Design Academy Eindhoven Master Information Design 2013 - Head of Department: Joost Grootens - Mentors: Joost Grootens Gert Staal Nikki Gonnis Read More
