Emily Geering's profile

Virgil's Gourmet Soda Re-Brand

Student Re-brand for Virgil's Gourmet Soda
Inspiration for packaging goes back to the brewing vats that Virgil's uses for thier flavors.
All photography by Kazzi King.
Virgil's Mobile Truck- Appears to locals events, dispersing soda in bottles, on tap, and pairings (like rootbeer floats). The truck uses recipes featured in the Virgil's app. Also comes with coasters and pint glasses.
Pint glass & Coasters
Visual of 'Flavors' page, showing the ingredients that are brewed into each soda batch and where Virgil's global flavors come from.
Virgil's App- Select flavor to learn more about the brew and nutrition facts. Select Virgil's icon for options like "Pair, Prepare, or Post".
Pairings-Select recipes that pair well with your Virgil's drink.
Prepare-Find recipes using your Virgil's Flavors.
Post- Save recipes and post photos of your creations, or submit recipes to be added. 
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Virgil's Gourmet Soda Re-Brand

Virgil's Gourmet Soda Re-Brand

A rebranding of Virgil's Gourmet Sodas to introduce a new audience of men. Virgil's rebrand gives a craft brew look for this craft brew taste. Fe Read More
