Profil appartenant à Kate O Moore

Upstarts Exhibition Promo Script

To get the best talent you need to see it to believe it.
‘The new wave of talent is here, don’t miss it’
Filmed in one location, this script focuses on the
aftermath of the Upstarts Exhibition 2014.
Web film proposal
Featuring : Oul Dubliner Cleaner, Executive Creative Director, Upstarts.
ECD: Is it over already? Did I miss it?
Cleaner: Oh you missed out. De’ place was like a scene from dat’ film with de apes in it, dey were all over dem’.
ECD: Ehh....who was?
Cleaner: Ya know, folks like you. Fightin’ over the young talent dey’ were.
Cleaner: Poor fella he was close to hiring one of them, but just lost out to another agency.
Fighting CD 1: I saw her first
Fighting CD 2: She’s mine!!!
Cleaner : Some fella called Droga – came from NYC this morning when he heard how
                good the talent was.
Upstarts Exhibition Promo Script
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Upstarts Exhibition Promo Script

Art directed proposal for the Upstarts 2014 Exhibition web film promo. Show up early .. the talent just might surprise you!

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