higer wu's profile

Paul the Bull Dog (cellphone/card stand)

Paul the Bull Dog (cellphone/card stand)

Paul is a lord and he became rich by plundering the people for a very long time. Someday a magical apprentice traveled to Paul's land and was caught by him. Paul asked the apprentice to make him even richer. The apprentice agreed and turned him into a tree and said: Now you are richest one in the world, all of the nature is your fortune. Later the villagers cut down the tree and sat on it every now and then to let him know what he did to them.

Secret: David the Apprentice and Paul the Bull Dog is a set. Their stories are related.
Size: 75(L) x 85(W) x 55(H) mm
Material: Poly
Weight: 260g
Made in Taiwan

保羅是一個領主,長年欺壓著百姓過著奢華的日子, 某一天一位旅行的魔法喵來到了城中。 
保羅知道後馬上把他抓了過來,要求魔法師施展魔法 讓它的生活可以更加富裕並且無憂無慮。
魔法師答應了保羅的請求,施展了魔法, 瞬間保羅變成了一棵樹!!! 
保羅大聲怒罵魔法師,這時候魔法師說: 現在的你變成了樹,不用再擔心人類的世界的事
可以無憂無慮的過日子了, 另外變成樹後,整個大自然都是你的財富
因為你扎根在這邊和這片土地共生共存了。 之後變成樹的保羅被村民砍斷了,

Paul the Bull Dog (cellphone/card stand)

Paul the Bull Dog (cellphone/card stand)

Bulldog Paul
