Matt Alebons profil

Inspirational Prints

With the creative industry becoming more and more dependent on technology it’s easy to sit behind a computer and produce a digital design. This is why I feel every once in a while it’s good to go back to the more traditional methods of production.
Using the woodblock letters we have in the university I produced four typographic prints using quotes that have stuck with me throughout my time as a designer. Three of them I find useful to keep in the back of my mind and the fourth is just something I found witty and entertaining.
"Make clever simple. Make simpe clever."
"Death is the single best invention of life."
Steve Jobs
"Creativity is intelligence having fun."
Albert Einstein 
"I'm secretly judging your choice of font."
Inspirational Prints

Inspirational Prints

Using the woodblock letter we have in the university I produced four typographic prints using quotes that have stuck with me throughout my time a Läs mer
