A metropolis is space built by individuals. It is the whole set of segments, trajectories, and lines drawn by the free movements of individuals as they meet and cross.
The dynamic of cities is a vital puff of air, motion urging that life should be lived more intensely, that newer forms of existence should be invented.
The practice of space turns a city into the tangible spatial condition of present living. The landscape thus becomes the field for action, rather than observation and contemplation.
Heraclitus says: Into the same rivers we step and do not step, we are and are not. As we are stepping into a river, that river is still the same river and we, too, are still our same selves. However, at the same time, ever-newer waters are flowing onto us while we are continually newer at any next moment in time....
Tokyo moves like a mobile mosaic, in a free and never-ending flow of people, information and pictures.
In its representation of the future of futures, its key words are fluidity, viscosity.
Its universe is the universe of curves and rotations, of the creases in surfaces, and of ongoing elastic transformations in a perennial state of liquidity of matter, in a forever-renewed everyday life, in a sum of presents and futures.
Its stratification is not given – as we are used to see – by the whole of the city settling itself over time. Its stratification is that of sense, not of objects. Its obsessive consistency with the virtual world goes hand in hand with care for the detail, meaning the care of all that is small, to maintain an orienteering ability, to bestow a view, a prospect on large things.
This allows this city, which is never the same, to become new in nature, a fascinating, hypnotic, unending flood of information, pictures and sounds finally revealing itself as a vortex of becoming which is never wet with the same waters.
The soundtrack of this project is  "Ritual Virtuality"  Sainkho Namtchylak
Liquid Room

Liquid Room

Liquid Room is the results of the Work Style Magazine photo journey with Cristina Milani and Mirko Nesurini in Tokyo

