Gustavo Fricke's profile

Augmented Interface

Augmented Interface
A Hand Held Device / Smart Phone
B Dock
C Augmented Display

Augmentation / Object Petit a

In this system, the Object Petit a is the C Augmented Display, enabling the addition of an extra layer to reality, virtual and artificial.

The augmentation is produced by a micro projector embedded within the B Dock. In psychoanalysis the Object Petit a acts as the connection that exists between the Real and the Symbolic: between the signifier and unattainable desire.

The B Dock and A Hand Held Device / Smart Phone have a touch screen interface. The interface is customizable, it could act as a keyboard, a drawing tablet or any other type of application.

This system constitutes a new approach to computing interface, reducing elements (such as monitors) while enhancing the overall experience allowing the user to customize the device to specific needs.
Augmented Interface

Augmented Interface

This system constitutes a new approach to computing interface and the way in which we interact with our devices.
