Lotte’s Yoga School is a new, small-scale yoga studio based in Amsterdam. It teaches a very practical form of yoga, one designed for every day pains, one that doesn’t require super-flexibility or great spirituality. In fact, Lotte’s Yoga School believes that everyone can benefit from regular practice.

Which is why it is sending letters to those who need yoga most. Anti-Islamic politician Geert Wilders, for instance. And Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran. Also, Hu Jintao, China’s Paramount Leader, and Silvio Berlusconi, Italy’s infamous P.M.

If these extreme characters could be taught to mellow, the ripple effect would be huge, spreading to many thousands within their respective countries.

Inspired by this vision, Lotte’s Yoga School has mounted a crusade, inviting these figures to a trial class of only five euros. 

While the political colossi in question are yet to confirm a booking, Lotte’s Yoga School is keeping a matt warm in case Wilders or Berlusconi drops by for a downward dog or two.
Lotte Yoga School
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Lotte Yoga School

A campaign for Lotte Yoga School

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