LAN is an interactive video installation based on the notion of connection and exchange in a social environment. The main goal was to visualize human interaction during gatherings in a confined public space.
Using 3 3D MLI Sensor™ cameras (infrared and depth camera) through a custom written software, the ability was given to track peoples positions in space and gather different information (position, speed, age-test, id generation) to generate real-time visuals on 3 screens (using a common coordinates system) above the bar in the Carré-Rotondes in Luxembourg. The result is a web of live interactions represented on screen through simple shapes (lines, triangles, circles..)
The installation in action - (People in the IR field are represented by small white triangles, the (social) connection with the line is the result of people being at most 2m away from each other. As soon as people stop moving a circle is growing around them representing their personal bubble and mixing / overlapping over time to represent the social interaction happening. As people start moving again (breaking the social interaction) their personal bubble (circle) shrinks to the starting position, enabling a new interaction to happen. Due to the technology used, everything represented here is happening in real-time.)


LAN is an interactive video installation based on the notion of connection and exchange in a social environment. The main goal was to visualize h Læs mere
