Project pre-trip

This is a fund-raising project that allows people to support my trip to Tokyo by purchasing things that I made.
Looking for a perfect wallet is always a big trouble. Remember the day that my wallet was broken, I was so bothered to find a new one. So I decided to make myself one before I could get one. That makes the concept of “temporary paper wallet” - a pure handmade wallet made with waterproof paper.
Realizing many of my friends and families were facing the same trouble like I was. I decided to introduce this “temporary paper wallet” by this “Project Pre-trip” program. Not only to support a broke designer for her trip but also have a good product for use.


The Postcard 

As a reward for backing my trip, I send each of my backers a postcard. Yet, a ready-to-use postcard that could buy from souvenir shops is bored. So I decided to made postcards with different beautiful flyers that I found during my trip.
project pre-trip


project pre-trip

project pre-trip 旅前募集 Planing|Branding|Graphic|Package|Product|Craft 2014
