Perfil de Russell Wilmshurst

365 Days of Typography 2/4

96/365 - Sunday
110/365 - Angus. Featured on Instagram page Typespire. 
117/365 - JK
119/365 - Majestic
120/365 - Cut Here
131/365 - Skully 
148/365 - And the snakes start to sing
150/365 - I fought Piranha
163/365 - Hey Mum Happy Birthday
167/365 - Baaah.
171/365 - Never Forget
173/365 - Afk
175/365 - Britomart
180/365 - Bat Country
365 Days of Typography 2/4

365 Days of Typography 2/4

A continuation of my 365 Days of Typography Project. Here are 15 of my favorite pieces between day 90 up to day 180. Follow my Instagram to see d Leer más
