Andrew Lu profili

Sleigh Ride Arrangement

Adv. Music CTE- Unit 3: Arranging for Instrumental or Choral Ensembles
As the director of the Palo Alto Caroling Corps (a group that meets annually to play Christmas Carols), I wanted to have a simplified arrangement of Leroy Anderson's Christmas classic, Sleigh Ride.
Using Sibelius, I condensed the score into five different parts. The first part is mainly melody and embelishments. The second part is mainly melody. The majority of the third and fourth parts are harmony and accompaniment. The fifth part is the bass part. 
The finished five-part arrangment
Although the arrangement has simplified the harmonies and reduced the number of parts dramatically, it has not been abridged. The percussion part is not included, however (the woodblock and slap-stick), nor is the famous trumpet "neighing." Such effects can easily be added in at the discretion and direction of the director (me!).
This five-part score can then be arranged for the availiable instrumentation of the playing group. Strong upper-woodwinds would carry the first part, and the tuba would carry the fifth part. 
The five-part arrangment re-arranged into the available instrumentation. Percussion parts included.
Sleigh Ride Arrangement
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Sleigh Ride Arrangement

Leroy Anderson's "Sleigh Ride" condensed into five parts for simple arrangement.

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