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Demon: Summoning Ritual and Fight Sound FX

IMPORTANT: I had to add a watermark to preserve the copyright. All the rights belong to Orange County Gaming Group
This is what was requested:
This Gig is for a ‘monsterscape’ or in non-OCGG terms, a soundscape featuring a specific creature. In this case, the creature is the embodiment of chaos and evil, the thing of nightmares, the exemplification of terror, corruption distilled, a hunter of human souls. The creature we will be breathing life to is a demon. 

So what’s a monster soundscape? Well, we would like to provide gamers with two audio tracks that can be played highlighting the sounds this monster makes in close proximity. Tracks must be able to loop cleanly and provide a rich, high definition canvas for the creature being featured. A challenge here is to make each track somewhat general, able to be used in a multitude of situations. For example, if you include the sounds of an armor plated warrior rushing headlong towards the Demon, only to be torn apart in an agonizing death, use of this track would be limited situations where an armor clad player cling-clangs her way towards oblivion, that’s too narrow a range so let’s avoid that as much as possible. Focus only on the creature.
Demons are simply a concept given form and function. Often malformed into twisted mockeries human beings, Demons are savage to the extreme, not bound by any concept of restraint, decency, or humanity, the sole reason for a Demon’s existence is to spread chaos and evil. Creative license to use audio to illustrate the various physical aspects of the Demon is wide open. Cloven hoofs, manes of fire, bat-like wings, talons, etc. are all up to you as you envision your Demon. Now, if you wish for extremely detailed outline of the types of Demon’s we’re looking at for inspiration, you need look no further than Chapter 1 of the book, Fiendish Codex I: Hoards of the Abyss by Ed Stark et. al, published by Wizards of the Coast

As far as speech, Demons have their own language. Harsh, guttural, and ‘brutal’, we are going to be looking for a good deal of harsh syllables with words that come from the back of ones throat. For a more main stream inspiration, think Star Trek’s Klingon language. However, there is an important nuance here, we need the language actually spoken as a demon so adding that alien element to words spoken is key. The hissing of a thousand hornets, a disturbing droning sound, some edge to the words that clues the listener that the speaker is not from his world.
We are looking for two flavors for this monsterscape:

• Calling Ritual (Not less than a minute in length): A Demon is being called forth into this world. The first half of the track should focus on the ritual being conducted which can consist of human sacrifices, dark chanting, ringing of bells, let your imagination run wild. As the ritual begins to climax, the sounds of the ritual itself begin to be overcome by the entity coming forth. Blood curdling alien howls, rage filled curses spit from a jagged maw, thunderous thuds as the creature’s massive bulk takes form. Creative license welcome. Let this be your guiding light, be dark, be evil, be demonic, don’t go easy on us here.

• Combat (Not less than a minute in length) – Let’s hear this thing wade into combat, down and dirty! A Demon is not alive unless it is tearing flesh from bone with its own tooth and claw. Spitting hate filled curses, flailing massive iron weapons wildly into the air and the terrain, blasts of raw evil energy exploding from the creature, this thing is a living, breathing instrument of death and destruction and we need to hear what is supposed to be the worst opponent to fight, EVER! Again, be creative with the Demon, talons, horns, powerful bites, fire, spells, clawed slashes are all solid choices to display during combat for this creature.
In all cases, direction will be provided if a good angle is being pursued, do NOT be shy to ask for direction, we know these creatures VERY well and will work to refine promising entries.
Demon: Summoning Ritual and Fight Sound FX

Demon: Summoning Ritual and Fight Sound FX

IMPORTANT: I had to add a watermark to preserve the copyright. All the rights belong to Orange County Gaming Group ocgaminggroup.com/ocggs-realms Read More


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