Profil appartenant à Kelsey Eaves

Olympic Christmas Displays 2011

Chamonix 1924 - A mountain lodge themed display. A modern twist mixed with classic French. Muted and pale wood mixed with a bright pistachio green create a new classic.
Innsbruck 1976 - A traditional festive theme, set in a cosy log cabin. Rich reds and tartans mixed with berries and plush fabrics.
Lillehammer 1994 - Scandinavian style made fun for the kids. Bright colours add a playfull pop to the display. Santa's workshop with his animal helpers hard at work.
London 1908 - Edwardian glamour bought to life with a classic colour palette. Nudes, pearls and burgundies conjour up a romantic feel.
Moscow 1980 - Baltic style, inspired by the iconic architecture and decorative facades at the famous Red Square.
Paris 1924 - It's the roaring 20's opulence is everywehere. This black and gold theme is fitting in spirit of any Parisian cocktail bar.
Vancouver 2010 - Cool ice blues and whites reflect from the mountain tops and frozen lakes of Canada. A contemporary take on a Christmas dispplay.
Olympic Christmas Displays 2011
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Olympic Christmas Displays 2011

Christmas Campaign 2011 for Garden & Leisure Group Ltd. Retail display and visual merchandising. Olympic themed Christmas.

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