ポスターにあるゴーヤーとナスは男女生殖器をモチーフにし、タイトルのゴーヤーが嫌い男の子は「ゴーヤーは俺の好みじゃない」、ナスが嫌い女の子は「ナスはあたしの好みじゃない」と性的指向の多様性、自由に選べる権力を表します。 性別に関係があるとしても、性別に関係もありません。
ゴーヤーとナスは 味、色、外形などの原因で、一般的に嫌われている野菜ですが、その特別風味には逆に多くの人から好まれています。私たちは自分で選ぶものを愛す権力を持ち、この社会もそれを尊重し、差別を無くすべきであろう。ポスター全体は無彩色で「男は男らしく」、「女は女らしく」という二元論的な印象をなくす。
She/He is not my cup of tea
On this poster, the bitter gourd and the eggplant symbolize the human external reproductive organs respectively.
This poster, as its title says ‘’Bitter gourd is not my cup of tea by Boys who don’t eat bitter gourd ’’ and “Eggplant is not my cup of tea by Girls who don’t eat eggplant”, tries to convey the freedom of multiple sexual orientation and the concept that all that counts is not sexuality but LOVE.
These two vegetables, bitter gourd and eggplant repel people easily because of their shapes, flavors, and colors. However, their “uniqueness’’ is also what appeals quite a few. We human beings all have the right to choose what we love and the societies we are in should be pluralistic ones supporting us to do so. 
This poster is a black and white only piece, aiming to avoid “Sexual dualism” and any concepts that might be related to genders.




Kreative områder