I was invited to exhibit an only piece in the Cosmo Gallery (Barcelona) as part of the Dia de Muertos (Day of the Dead) collective show. In Mexico we remember our dead on the 2nd of November of each year. We set an altar at home paying tribute to those who have passed away. Typical of these altars would be, a picture of the person, the food he or she liked, skulls made out of sugar, aromatic fruits, candles, and yellow flowers called Cempasuchitl. In all it is said that they come that night and feed on the aroma of the food and candles and we basically celebrate their life with music and good stories. Well, my grandmother was a painter (amongst other things) and I wanted to celebrate that, so I made images from this picture I had taken from her home, and made her skull out of them. I also made a hand, holding a heart. My heart whispers to her skull a Calaverita (short poem written specially for her). It is all made out of paper and it is all sewn together (because a painter I am not.. I sew)
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Paper art project

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