I Found This In Your Backyard
"An artist, to me, is someone who adds to the possible ways of knowing the world, whose point of view increases the potential of our moments."  - Gregory Conniff


I grabbed my camera, picked a direction and began walking.  I took a turn down an alleyway in my neighborhood and turned my head back and forth as I continued to walk without destination.  The backyard-detained dogs started barking at me as I passed by their yards, reminding me that maybe this is something I am not supposed to see.  As I peered into these places I began to see an entire dialogue unfolding in front of me.  A rake, a chair, a swing, the ways these objects spoke of each other, the way they spoke of the person who didn't put them there, but, perhaps left these objects without a thought to their placement.  The objects left here are removed from an original context by the nature of the photograph and form new symphonies, dramas and theatre.

I started to think about the uncontrollable things people do when they are unaware of themselves and their world, how our own backyards, an entirely fabricated environment, can have the possibility of becoming a completely different place than we could plan for it.  I am intrigued by the fact that humans have a subconscious and that through acts we preform when we are unaware of ourselves can result in the creation of environments that leave themselves to the mercy of interpretation, forming a relationship between the natural and the created.

These photographs are about the arrangement of things and how things arrange themselves.  About the spaces we create, about paying attention, about caring or not caring, about living or not living; the realtionship of the whole social order, its beautiful, chaotic, enchanting, confusing, disgusting, appalling, magical and none of it really matters.

I Found This in Your Backyard

I Found This in Your Backyard

A project that was born out of an exercise to get myself into a working state of mind. Became a project months later and has continued for two ye Развернуть


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