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Tirta Teja - Playing Pattern

Illustration made for

Virtual Exhibition - A Tribute for National Batik day

Tirta Teja,
Which means water and light, are two natural elements that are believed
to give happiness (livelihood) to farmers.
Hoping that happiness will always exist, various efforts have been made, including ritual ceremonies related to natural fertility, wearing masks and dancing while reciting rain summoning spells, which are symbolic ritual ceremonies. 
The goal is to give thanks and ask God Almighty to get better agricultural results than the previous year. 
Dewi Sri (the Goddess of Rice) as a symbol of fertility and prosperity is a figure highly respected by the farming community, the Goddess who brings down plants that produce food to the earth. 
The descent of the Goddess to earth in the form of rain from red and yellow clouds replacing dry heat is a blessing, symbolizing the return of fertility which will produce abundant food.


Tirta Teja - Playing Pattern


Tirta Teja - Playing Pattern

Illustration made for PLAYING PATTERN Virtual Exhibition - A Tribute for National Batik day Tirta Teja
