Tímea Andorka 님의 프로필

derkó.pécsi.2014 – exhibition design

Exhibition of the Fine Arts- and the Photography Scholarship Awardees
Fine art exhibition at Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary

For over half a century, the scholarship named after Gyula Derkovits has been a crucial institution of state support for young visual artists. Műcsarnok has traditionally been responsible for collecting the competition works, hosting the meeting of the scholarship board, and staging the review exhibition. As of this year, the display also incorporates the József Pécsi Photography Scholarship holders’ review exhibition, presenting now a total of nine artists from the second and third years. 

© the artists
Derkovits Gyula Fine Arts Scholarship holders
Antal Balázs | Balázs József Tamás | Blahó Borbála | Borsos János | Brückner János | Csató József | Felsmann István |
Gruppo Tökmag | Hajas Katinka | Kaliczka Patrícia | Karsai Dániel | Keller Diána | Kerezsi Nemere | Koós Gábor |
Korcsmár Eszter Kores | Martin Henrik | Németh Marcell | Pintér Dia | Rabóczky Judit Rita | Rolik Ádám | Soós Katalin |
Szabó Ákos | Szanyi Borbála | Szvet Tamás | Tranker Kata 

Pécsi József Photography Scholarship holders
Bartha Máté | Biró Eszter | Ember Sári | Hajdú D. András | Kasza Gábor | Pályi Zsófia | Péter Ildikó | Stiller Ákos | Szombat Éva

Curator: József Készman
Assistant Curator: Zsuzsanna Tulipán
Editor: Zsuzsanna Tulipán
Proof reading: Edit Koroknai, Imre Wirth
Photos: Tímea Andorka, Zsigmond Csákvári, Imre Kővágó Nagy & the artists
Graphic design: Tímea Andorka
Press: Print City Europe Zrt.
Publisher: Műcsarnok Nonprofit Zrt.

Thank you!
derkó.pécsi.2014 – exhibition design


derkó.pécsi.2014 – exhibition design

Publication design for Műcsarnok / Kunsthalle Budapest
