Some of the work I did during my summer internship in Redstar Works @ Qingdao, China. It was an amazing experience, and I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot of stuff because I did so much. I learned how a real magazine works, and how to talk to clients, and to design under pressure. I even had to learn how to design in chinese characters, and to do it fast! Everyone in Redstar was so nice to me, they are the best.
It was the best time ever, I had a blast. The people, the place, the design, just wonderful. If you ever get a chance to visit China, please do!
Anyway, here it is:
I was involved in the editorial design of several articles. I was also in charge of July's issue illustrated cover.
Basic illustration and final cover.
Some mock-ups.
Pictures of the actual magazine!
(I didn't design that, but I'm on it!)
I also worked with clients, designing ads for restaurants, bars, and events.
Full Moon Island Party flyer & tickets.
Loong Bar Quarter Page
Street 33 Quarter Pages for July & August issues.
Design for Web and Mobile Devices
Most of the time I'd do stuff for the Redstar Wechat and website
(yay Mexico!)
Redstar Media


Redstar Media

Parte del trabajo que hice durante mis prácticas profesionales en Redstar Media en la ciudad de Qingdao, una empresa de comunicaciones en China. Read More
