- Pure 7 HTML5 + CSS3 Forms 
- 5 Color themes
- Clean & simple design
- Flexible and responsive (media queries for most common devices) 
- HTML5 Elements (text inputs, email inputs, password inputs, textareas, checkboxes and buttons)
- HTML5 input attributes (pattern, placeholder and required)
- Input elements with normal, focus and validation states 
- Flat and 3D buttons with normal, hover & pressed states
- Google web fonts
- Font vector icons (Font Awesome provides you a set of 479 different icons) 
- Easy to implement, customize and style 
- Well coded and documented (clean and valid markup)
- Major browsers supported
- Included documentation
- Free Updates 
- Bonus: Free background image 
Spring Forms Pack
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Spring Forms Pack

- Pure 7 HTML5 + CSS3 Forms - 5 Color themes - Clean & simple design - Flexible and responsive (media queries for most common devices) - HTML5 Daha Fazla Bilgi

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