Profiel van OZ JOHN

When the East meets the East

The East is always colourful... always fascinating... always exotic... —whether it's European or Asian. Is this a lucky coincidence? Or is this a conceptual flavour of culture that comes and goes like this?
This is a conceptual semi-art, semi-fashion, editorial project intended to connect the Easts of both continents. And luckily, coincidently, the name of my model was Marty Luck (just simply check out the tattoos on her fingers (neither fake nor photoshopped : )))
I wanted to shoot this project in a heavily European setting with an East-European model wearing East-Asian dresses; and ended up in the lovely city Prague.
So, enjoy !
Model: Marty Luck, MM#431879
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
When the East meets the East


When the East meets the East

The East is always colourful... always fascinating... always exotic... —whether it's European or Asian. Is this a lucky coincidence? Or is this a Meer lezen
