Peaceful Garden
Matte Painting
Work done on these image

- Cut out the gate
- Wall extension cause it wasn't enought on the original image
- Fix and add elements on the gate and walls to diferenciate
- Open one of the gates to give dinamic to the image (original image both closed)
- Added background trees, some were painted to fill areas
- Added the temple
- Added grass and dry grass in front (where people pass more)
- Trees and a foreground tree to give more depth
- Ground shadows for the tree on the left
- Young Monke, added shadow to ground, paint some shadows in him to get better direction
  of the light

- Added some rays of light on the back and midde ground
- Color correction in every image i put on
- Major color correction for all the image to better integrate all the elements and to give the    mood of the image.
Making of
Peaceful Garden


Peaceful Garden

These is a personal Matte Paint.

