Kristin Bartie's profile


Fine Arts
    The body of work from the series Antiquated uses characteristics inspired from antiques, farming equipment, and the human form.  I have been interested with antiques from an early age and have been surrounded by them in my day to day life.  I enjoy interacting with an item that has been used to create something else and knowing that hard work and labor went in to its use.  I find the human body relates in the same way.  I primarily use hands and feet to demonstrate the man power associated with the equipment and these body parts are essential in farming practices.  Replacing tool parts with parts of the human form not only functions as a metaphor for hard work and what it yields, but also adds an interesting spin on the tools themselves.
Foot Wheel, 200857 x 15 x 28 inRubber, Steel, PaintSold
Stool and Bucket, 200815 x 25 x 19 inWood, Resin, Aluminum, Paint
Plow, 200847 x 12 x 28 inSteel, Resin, Paint
Scale, 200870 x 18 x 13 inResin, Steel, Paint
Hoe, 200846 x 10 x 17 inCast Iron, Wood, Steel, Paint
Rake, 200856 x 18 x 17 inCast Iron, Wood, Steel, Paint
Shovel, 200855 x 10 x 17 inCast Iron, Wood, Steel, Paint
Saw, 200815 x 48 x 3 inResin, Sawdust, Steel Sheet Metal
Broom and Dust Pan, 200824 x 8 x 3 inResin, Mixed Media


This was my senior BFA sculpture exhibition titled "Antiquity" The theme is antique farm tools with integrated body casting.


Creative Fields