The three images above are from a photoshoot taken in the studio where i have learned to use various airbrushing techniques. I have included a couple of original shots to show the editing which has been done.
  Disappear to Nowhere
This image shows a young woman who is finishing her studies and is soon to embark on a journey travelling around the world. She is travelling alone and does not know where she will go, what experiences she will have, people she will meet or where she will end up but she is brave enough to start this journey alone. The photograph has been taken to represent the journey she will have, she is isolated alone in this dull and dangerous environment but her face shows promise and strength. The train tracks foreshadow the trains which she will travel on in her journey and her boots relate to her walking along it. The tracks fade away into the distance and disappears just like she will disappear on her travels to nowhere.
I have chosen to position the model sat on the tracks to emphasise the danger of the live train tracks and to show her pondering about what journey may lie ahead. I have also desaturated the image to create a more moody serious environment.
The two shots above are the edited and original versions of the same shot. an external flash has been used on the original image and then the shot has been heavily edited. I have used various brushes, clone stamp tools and healing brush tools to remove all of the background. This is a very tedious and time consuming method but it is worth it to get the best shot possible. I have also used airbrushing techniques on the skin and used various other tools to enhance the colours and contrast. This shot was taken at the Birmingham Fashion Show.
This shot has been taken in a dark enviroment with an external light source. I have enhanced the shadows and highlights to get the best contrast mainly using dodge and burn tools.
These four shots above are from an urban photoshoot which was taken in various outdoor locations. I have included one original image to show the difference between the origninal and the editing techniques which was used throughout the shoot. I have used tools such as saturation, gamma, high pass and exposure to create an edgey dramatic feel to the images.
The three images above show the original and two variations after the image has been edited. I have used a complicated sequence of editing techniques to edit the tattoo onto the skin of my model. I have made the skin more pale and enhanced the shadows and highlights to create more contrast in the low key studio enviroment.
The two shots above have been heavily edited using various different brushes and layers to produce an image that looks like it has been painted on.
The three shots above are from a outdoor location shoot with a model.
The two shots above are an edited version and the original of a shot taken at a music festival. I have used a long range lens to get the shot and then i have used various brushes and clone stamp tools to create a new leg where an arm was in the way. You can see this in the bottom right corner.
The three shots above have been taken for the DJs 'Alex J & Housebound' at a music festival. I have also used typography and vector techniques to create the logo.
The two shots above are from a nature photoshoot. I have used vectorising and graphical techniques to add interesting effects to the shots.
These three shots are from a barber shop, I approached the owner, showed them my portfolio and aranged a photoshoot which was then edited in various different ways to give the viewer a feel of the shop. I used layer blending techniques to add the barbers signature and logo to the shots, I then used HDR toning and various other tools to create a retro classic barber theme to the images.
In these three shots above i have used various graphical techniques to edit the shots such as overlaying other images and adding typography. I have also edited a tattoo of a cross onto the models hand.
The four shots above are from a low key studio photoshoot. I have thought carefully about the positioning of the external flash units and the positioning of the model. I have also edited the shots with high contrast.
The image above is composed of multiple images from the poppy display in London.
The two shots above are multiple images of grafitti, newspapers and urban enviroments which have been overlayed on top of each other using different blend modes.
The two shots above are landscape images. The first one has been edited in a graphical way by adding typography and text whilst the second one is the original shot with no editing.


2nd Year of using a Camera and learning how to use Photoshop
