Profilo di Nino Werner

deviantArt - Redesign

There was a lot bothering me with the old design & I don't consider the new design of dA to be an improvement. Therefore I made a really fast redesign
to look if I could improve what is keeping me off using dA anymore.
The Journal
could be enhanced into a blog that can be directly updated with one's Instagram, Twitter feed, etc...
The Gallery
could be enhanced with mandatory Preview images, which would generate more clicks for dA (which would mean more advertising money for the page) and a behance similar system that makes it possible to get rid off these stupid gallery folders there are present at the current layout.
The Shop
If dA were smart they could set up a general store instead of just a print store, directly comepetiting against, society6, bigcartel, etc...where dA would just be the plattform for the sellers - again earning a small percentage of each sold product (hey!, that is what all online stores do
The Favourites
are fine as they are/were
Also dA should link to other social media outlets - after all people like to connect
Profile View
You got a new message!
Gallery View
deviantArt - Redesign

deviantArt - Redesign

A possible redesign of dA
