Eamonn O'Connor sin profil

Character Design Project

These are my designs for an antagonist and protagonist character design project. I did not want to take a conventional approach in using bulked up, super hero type character traits. The protagonist is a small, overweight shy boy. He is from a poor family and all he wants to do is fit with the people he is interested in, cosplayers. The antagonist is his opposite; he is tall, thin, loud and from a wealthy family. Although at first they don’t like each other they eventually see that they have more in common with each other than not. I chose these forms for the characters to create more depth to them than simply having a stereotypical hero/villain dichotomy. 
Character Design for antagonist.
Character Design for protagonist
Here are my three final pieces for our Character Design brief, up top are drawings which were scanned into photoshop to be cleaned up. The second set of images are photos of the maquettes that I made to shape out my characters, certain changes took place here with the look of my characters. I accindently put in a unibrow on my protagonist and liked it so I added it to the final character design.
The last set of images are vectorized using a combonation of image trace and drawing directly onto them in Illustrator.
Vectorized versions of the cosplay characters.Below are the photoshoped designs. The suits are a combonation of both the loader out of Aliens and the battle mechs out of Avatar.
These are the finished models of the protagonist and antagonist. I used opposite physical traits to accentuate each characters personality, tall and thin has been well used in the Disney back catalogue of antagonists, while short and rotund have been used to represent affable characters..
Series of sketches developing the antagonist. One inspiration was taken from Universal Picture's Despicable me. The character of Gru's nemeses, 
Sketch work of protagonist cosplaying in Halo's Master Chief Mjolnir armour. This image is originally a poster for one of the Halo games.
Series of character poses for the protagonist showing off his athleticism. 
Sketch for epic battle scene between antagonist and protagonist in a Rocky-esque pose.
Character Design Project

Character Design Project

Project for LSAD Character Design. Here are my two characters for my character design brief.
