Perfil de Wang Ruilin 王 瑞琳

HORSE.PLAY No.3&4 | 马·戏 三/四
As the portrayal of my life status, Horse.Play will continue all the time and present different expressions with variations of positions and situations. Meanwhile, the production of works will promote the change of environments and moods, both of which affect each other.
Horse.Play No.3
Name: Horse.Play - No.3 / 马·戏 三
Size: 120×95×35 cm
Material: Copper & Painting / 铸铜彩绘
Photographer: Zou Shengwu
Hore.Play No.4
Name: Horse.Play - No.1 / 马·戏 一
Size: 65×55×29 cm
Material: Copper & Painting / 铸铜彩绘
Photographer: Zou Shengwu
HORSE.PLAY No.3&4 | 马·戏 三/四

HORSE.PLAY No.3&4 | 马·戏 三/四

Horse.Play is a series started from 2011 after graduation.


Sectores creativos