Ezio Auditore
Drawing made from the illustration of the game "Assassin's Creed II"
Indiana Jones
Original sketch invented and created by me, inspired by the character Indiana Jones.
Jack Sparrow
Made from a poster picture of the 3rd movi "Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End"
Original drawing imagined and created by me, of the main character from the manga "Blade of the Immortal"
Prince of Persia
For the higher part it's made from a game cover, but the lower part is only imagined by me.
Sweeney Todd
Original drawing imagined and created by me, of the character of Sweeney Todd
The ensemble of my Heroes in a walking line.
The shadow version of them.


A project I had since some time. To draw all my Heroes individually, in a walking way, then put them all together in a same line.


Creative Fields