Smaller Objects
This project was called 'Smaller Objects' and I was required to design a small, portable communication device created for a specific purpose of my choosing. I was also to design the packaging for the device and the accompanying brochure/flyer for the device. The device was to be unique and made for the company Unifone.
The device itself was aimed at the youth market, being a portable music player and internet browser. I went with a monkey as the headphones would be paws and the body would allow the user to alter the cabling; while the tail would be the main interface.
I went for circular packaging as it seemed more suitable for the market my device was aimed at and it fitted with the fun, youthful tone of the design.
I continued the circular theme for the brochure for continuity. I included start up instructions for the user, terms & conditions and descriptions of the devices capabilities.


Student project to create a communication device and design its packaging and information brochure/flyer.
