Perfil de Tiffany Jen

Sumzine, Uniform Issue


Sumzine is a slow fashion magazine with an art slant. We carry the torch of Dame Westwood,
"Buy less, choose well, make it last!" 
Sumzine Issue 2, The Uniform Issue, includes interviews with designers Brianna Lance (The Reformation), Marina Polo and Britt Cosgrove (Svilu), and Jess McKie (Sködia), and style conversations with editors Jayne Min (Stop It Right Now), Miyako Bellizzi (Vice), Jeremy Lewis (Garmento), and Stacey Nishimoto (Into The Gloss). The cover story takes a glimpse into the future story dreamed up by and starring model Charlotte Carey, shot by Sam Crawford and styled by Alison Marie Isbell. 

Editor in Chief: Jamie Ortega
Design Direction: Tiffany Jen
Copyeditors: Doug Black, Janelle Flores, Dana Melanz
Sumzine, Uniform Issue
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Sumzine, Uniform Issue

Sumzine is not your typical sustainability-loving, fashion editorial magazine. We wanted to put aside that "go green hippiness" and bring in the Ver mais

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