Christopher Everett さんのプロファイル

GWDA232A Form & Space by Christopher Everett

These are the first pictures we took with the cameras in class. I made a paper football, a paper football and an oragami balloon.
GWDA232 with instructor Clayton Madrid.
These series of pictures are of simple things in nature that represent something other than what they are. The first picture is of an ash tray with an upside down cigarette in it lit. I call it, "The Lungs Birthday Cake".
Pics 2-3 are of rocks placed on cement when looked at from a certain angle look like nothing, but when seen from above represent what I call, "A Heart Of Stone". Pics 3-9 represent what I call, "The Ant Trail" made out of berries ment to guide ants from one place to another. Finally picture 10 represents what I call, "David VS. Goliath". A small bush that wishes he was as tall ass the bigger bush but is not at all affraid of it either.
An observation I took of different paths that students took to get out to the parking lot or smoking area of the school building.
I was to take a 2d form and render it in a 2d 3d type of way. I chose a mystery and used a squirrel as the dead guy. The definition was, would people try and solve a mystery of a dead squirrel the way they would if this were a human outline. Life is life and all of it should be cared for. Just because its a squirrel, it shouldnt be overlooked.
GWDA232A Form & Space by Christopher Everett
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GWDA232A Form & Space by Christopher Everett

Nature Pictures

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