Category: PSA
Communication Objective: Across Africa, there are more than 250 Million people starving without food. The communication was to educate people of this struggle and motivate them to do some contribution in whatever way possible.
Differentiation: A simple thought that popped after seeing a random person throw away half his order motivated us to create this PSA. I created a map of Africa with a slice of bread demonstrating how many in this continent are not lucky enough even to have this leftover food.
Result: People saw the ad and realised how important every small bite of food is. Donations received increased after this activity.
TG: The concerned society which is unaware of this phenomenon or is unable to help due to lack of portals.
公開日 :


A simple thought that popped after seeing a random person throw away half his order motivated us to create this PSA. I created a map of Africa wi 詳細を表示

公開日 :