Idea Duck was my first group project on Hyper Island. This was a 3 week project where we did research on trends in the tech industry and behaviours. With all this knowledge we were supposed to make a workshop and this was our result.
Idea Duck is a creative workshop tool where you create a fictive person with the form provided in the webpage. When you get your persona you will also get a trend from the tech world and you have to use the trend to come up with a solution to make your personas life easier.
This tool helps you develop ideas that includes new technology.
During the workshop event we got a lot of good feedback. People discovered new technologies, they worked in teams and they had a lot of fun!
The team: Adam Lindfors, Julie Fengås, Fiona Joan, Agnes Holmerin and Paul Niño
Idea Duck

Idea Duck

Idea Duck! First group project on Hyper Island. In this project I did the background animation on the webpage and some illustrations. I also made Read More
