Profilo di Tenisha Cloete

Strominge van die Tyd - Waarheen is ons oppad?

Walter Julius Veith (born 1949) is a South African zoologist and a Seventh-day Adventist author and speaker known for his work in nutrition, creationism and Biblical exegesis with the Amazing Discoveries media ministry and on their international television network found in North America on Galaxy 19.
Social Media profile picture - title of event and name of presenter
Facebook Banner - with event details and contact information
Twitter Banner - with event details and contact information
Event Flyer for A5 - front of flyer with details of only 1 venue (each venue with own event received separate flyer designs)
Event Flyer for A5 - back of flyer with map and location address and gps coordinates for the specific venue
Electronic Mailer advertising - with active links on wikipedia, facebook, twiiter, website and email address
Strominge van die Tyd - Waarheen is ons oppad?

Strominge van die Tyd - Waarheen is ons oppad?

Strominge van die Tyd event branding included social media, websites, banners, posters, flyers and electronic email invites.
