Profil appartenant à Miles Elliott

Good Will Screen Print

This is the second screen print I have finished and the first using the pin and tab registration. It has seven colors and is sized about 11"x14", the registration is a little off and I had some issues with too much ink coming through, but I am pleased with the result. This was for an appropriation assignment in my screen printing class. I needed a frame for a poster so I picked a frame from Goodwill a few months back, it turned out to be too small for the poster but I did get this poster out of it with a kind of creepy 1950's vibe, so when I had to choose an image to appropriate for the class project it was right on hand. The idea behind the print was to play up the creepiness of the too-perfect for reality original poster, by actually turning the figures into robots disguised as people. The finished shots and some process follow.
Beginning to work with the orignal image and figuring how I want to turn them into robots
An early Photoshop composition, I dropped the lasers coming from the boys eyes because it covered up too much of the robot face
Beginning the illustrations, I like to start with the black lines first to build up form
This is the black layer at an intermediate point, the human part of the faces are done, time to get to work on the robot parts
Starting to add in some color
Adding in highlights, robot people are shiny, everyone knows that
Most of the illustration work in the faces is done here, trying to figure out how to handle the background and their bodies
This is the finished computer mockup, you can tell I didn't quite hit these colors for the final version. Next is to separate all this out into individual color layers
These are the image files that will be printed and used when exposing the screens
Positives printed
Screens burned
First color printed
Second color printed
Third color printed
Fourth color printed
Printing the fifth color
Fifth color printed
Sixth color printed
Seventh and final color printed
Good Will Screen Print
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Good Will Screen Print

7-Color Screen Print

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