A Portrait of a Woman’s Intuition
I have time and again experienced
and now believe, that the woman 
knows. A man’s knowledge,ignorance,
or opinion doesn’t matter.
What matters is that if I dont know, 
I dare not question her either.
A Portrait of a Woman’s Lonelyness
When even a 
Crowded room
Feels like the edge of a 
Steep cliff, 
When every word 
Is an echo, 
In the depths of 
A well…
A Portrait of a 
Woman in Matrimony
Every thing is happening on its own. 
Some things how you want them to happen, 
Some how you don’t want them to happen. 
Nothing in your hand but
A whisper,
A prayer,
A hope…
And in all that, you are beautiful, 
Made to look beautiful. 
Portraits of Her Phases

Portraits of Her Phases

A personal project.
