A Yamaha Corporation brief asking for a visual idea to communicate their business philosophy "Kando." 
"Kando" means "for the heart" or "to be deeply moved."
As Yamaha was basing this theme onto both the motorbike and music aspect of their company I wanted start my thinking process based on that. I started to embrace the feeling people would get from the love of their motorbike or music and resulted in peace and freedom away from the world, away from every day life. This lead to gaining an understanding of freedom and peace and again I wanted to embrace the feeling you get from both to these elements. 
After speaking to many people about their idea of freedom/peace I got many different answers. Some of my results:
relaxing in bed after a hard days work,
working out,
alone time,
going on holiday. 
From this I realised everyones perception of freedom and peace is different, but similar also. 
By this I mean, everyone has different ideas of how they find freedom and peace, but the outcome is the same. The feeling people get once they have achieved freedom is the same. 
It is all in the mind. Your mind finds freedom from relaxing and forgetting about everyday stress/worries. Therefore the mind is relaxed when empty and clear of thoughts. This is what people define as freedom. 
But what is Kando? Kando is when your mind explodes from the passion and love in your life. When nothing else matters apart from your spark of living. It is an ongoing circle between freedom and Kando, neither can work without the other. 
I decided to show this in my work in two ways. 
Mind - Freedom - Peace: White space, pale colour palette. This shows the empty, clear, relaxed state of your mind.
Kando - Passion - Love: Exploding vector graphics. This shows the excitement and drive in your mind. It also has an element of science by the composition of the shapes when links to the brain/mind/energy. 


A Yamaha graphic design competition entry to visualise the word Kando.
